Be sure you are using the pay-online link on the front page of our website at  The OLD bill pay link is no longer working.  If you were registered on our old site prior to December 2, 2019, you will have to re-enroll on the new site if you want to continue using online bill pay.


We have undergone a software conversion, and starting December 2, we have a new online bill-pay provider.  So you will have to sign up/enroll like a new customer.  You must use your new 12 digit account number (not the old 8 digit number).  You will have some new options, such as e-billing.


Your old account number and you old login info will no longer work.  Information about the change is printed on your bill.


So you can’t just login with your old info.  You must enroll like a first-time customer.  When you sign up, your name and account number should be entered exactly as shown on the bill.


If you have multiple meters, you can place them under the same username and login.  To do so, simply enroll ONE of the meters.  After you get the first meter enrolled, on the right you will see a tab under "account management" that says "billing accounts."  You can click that and it will let you add additional meters.  This prevents you from having to have multiple login credentials.  If you want recurring bill pay, be sure to select it for each meter.


If you want recurring bill pay, be sure to select that option.  After you select that option, return to the "account summary" page and make sure the yellow box at the bottom left says "Account is set up for recurring payments."


This does not affect people on bank draft through our office.  The above instructions are only for those that choose to use online bill pay through our payment portal.  


We understand that this process has taken some time, and have credited back all late fees to customer accounts that were accrued on December 21 as we navigate through this process.  We appreciate your patience and understanding.


If you have questions or need assistance, you can call our office or email us at